My Diagnosis – Part Two

After my initial diagnosis at my local hospital, I was sent home and told to wait for further instructions. For those few days that I was home, I was oblivious to what was going on. Still in shock and on new medications to try to stop the seizures, a lot of these memories are a … [Read more…]

My Diagnosis – Part One

I can’t say that I have a vast knowledge of the world. I graduated from high school, got married and worked at our family business. One thing that I do know for sure is that being diagnosed with cancer is hard, really hard. Not only is it hard on the one that is diagnosed, but … [Read more…]

How do you make God laugh?

  So? How do you make God laugh? ……..You tell Him your plans. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come and go into your life as needed. Some stay longer than others, some you meet just so they can introduce you to the next person you need … [Read more…]

Why am I starting a blog?

Wow! I’m actually doing it. I’m starting my own blog. You being able to read this is a victory in itself. If anyone tells you that starting a blog is easy, they are either a computer wiz or they are lying! I am not “technically advanced”, that’s what my 12 year old son is for. … [Read more…]