How do you make God laugh?



So? How do you make God laugh? ……..You tell Him your plans.

I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come and go into your life as needed. Some stay longer than others, some you meet just so they can introduce you to the next person you need in your life at that moment. Other times, you come to the conclusion that some are negative energy and you’re better off without them. Worse of all, some are taken away from us way too soon. Whoever the person is and however long they stay in your life, I truly believe they all play a part in the big picture of this game we call life.

I didn’t plan on this being my next blog. My intention was to write about my diagnosis but circumstances have changed and my intuition is steering me in a different direction. I have learned to trust my intuition, it has served me well so far.

I am so blessed to have an abundance of support from everyone around me, in particular my husband Marcus. Ten months after my diagnosis, I started to go to a clinic for high dose intravenous vitamin C, what I got was something so much more. The doctors and nurses were great, but it was in speaking with other patients that I found something I couldn’t get anywhere else. It took me a very long time to get comfortable enough to open up to someone, but when I was ready, that someone was a young man named Michael.

When we were at the clinic together, he shared so much information on alternative treatments, we would talk for hours. Michael was like a walking encyclopedia on natural ways to cure cancer. We exchanged books on healing, he taught me about the benefits of eating apricot kernels and so much more. We shared our opinions on the conspiracy theory of a cancer cure and respected each other’s differing beliefs on the afterlife. We could talk to each other about cancer and what we were going through and really understand what it’s like, the desperation to beat the disease and the willingness to try anything. When one or both of us were quiet and having a bad day, no explanation was needed. We simply understood.

It wasn’t always serious conversations at the clinic. We could make jokes and laugh and know that it was okay to be normal.

Michael was a gentle soul. He had kind eyes and always spoke with a smile on his face, especially when he spoke about his young twin boys. He was excited to show everyone pictures of them on his phone when they were just born and still in the hospital.

After three years I stopped going to the clinic. I ran into Michael twice several months later at the hospital where we were both being treated, both of us getting radiation at the same time.

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In the late spring of this year I visited Michael and the nurses at the clinic. I hadn’t seen him for over a year but when I saw him, it was like no time had passed at all. We picked up right where we left off, talking about our latest natural treatment, this time it was Frankincense essential oil.

That visit passed so quickly, I felt like I could have talked with him all afternoon but I had to go. I stood and shook his hand, said goodbye and that I will see him again.

If I could give a piece of advice to anyone who is struggling with any type of illness, it would be to make a friend with someone who is fighting the same fight. Find a support group and if you’re lucky maybe you can find a Michael of your own.


In memory of Michael C.                                                                                                                                    March 21, 1980 – November 1, 2016






  1. Carinta

    Hi Linda – thank you for sharing your story! I’m so glad that you had each other… and while i’m sorry to see that his fight has ended, i”m glad that he left you a better person for having known him.

    • journeytoliving

      Hi Carinta! Thank you! I think of you and your daughter so often and wish you well. You are a strong family and I hope you are living in the rainbow after the storm. Xo

  2. Mayra

    First of all, what a fantastic idea for a blog!! Congratulations on this wonderful idea because I think support like this is really REALLY hard to find. I think it is amazing that you had an environment in which you could open up and speak with other patients. In my two and a half years of chemo, I never experienced this level of openness…. patients or the nurses. I wish that I had that….definitely would have made those treatment days less dreadful. Michael sounds like he was a beaming light and helped those around him cope and feel ‘normal’. Thank you for doing this because sometimes feeling ‘normal’ is all us patients want and need Yes, we live day to day with the disease however, laughing and enjoying life helps with the ‘normalness’. I understand it’s hard for family members and friends because they don’t know what’s in our heads and we are living perhaps their worst nightmare but those days or hours of normal are huge in the coping grand scheme of things! Thank you Linda….

  3. Janine

    Hi Linda.

    Thank you for sharing your story. It is always great to have special people in our lives to support us through tough time, even if it’s just to help us smile, or hold our hands. I am happy to hear that you were blessed & had Michael. x

  4. Tonya Krajcar

    Thanks for sharing Linda. Luckily I have a Michael of my own but it is a rare find. I am so glad he was so special to you. Xoxo TK

  5. julie

    I look forward to more. Hope you know you were probably a light for him and he looked forward to your chats as much as you did. No I didn’t know him but I am sure this was the case.

  6. Donna Rieck

    Beautiful Linda! A wonderful tribute to who Michael was while he was with us, and to who he will be as he lives in our hearts. As Mother Theresa said, “Let no one ever come to you without leaving a better and happier person.”

  7. Diana

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful friendship with the rest of us!!! Looking forward to more posts on your blog!!!

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