Living in the Moment

“To most people, the present moment almost doesn’t exist. What they are really interested in is the next moment or the one after that. So, they live always towards the future, they live towards the next moment. Unconsciously, they regard the next moment, the next point in the future that they need to get to, … [Read more…]

My Anti-Cancer Kit

A few months before my diagnosis, I was shopping at Costco. I’m not a big reader but I decided to browse the long tables that held dozens and dozens of different books. As I was browsing, a book called Anticancer jumped out at me. I stopped, picked up the book and put it in my … [Read more…]

Suppressed Feelings

It has been a while since my last blog, not only because of the holidays, but also because of my indecisiveness of the topic. I lost sleep while trying to decide if I should or shouldn’t write this blog. A huge part of me wanted to skip right over it and talk about something else, … [Read more…]

Christmas, Chemo and Coping

It’s funny…life doesn’t stop after being diagnosed with a life threatening illness. You get the news, go to bed, wake up the next day and realize life goes on. While I was going through my chemotherapy treatments, I tried my best to live as normal life as possible with my family. We went out for … [Read more…]

Loving Yourself

In this day and age, we are so caught up with loving big houses, fast cars, designer clothes and great hair and makeup. We try so hard to make everything look perfect on the outside but, when we’ve achieved these materialistic goals, does that make us love ourselves? Having been diagnosed with a brain tumour, … [Read more…]

Finding my Spirit

Several months before my diagnosis, I bought a book called A New Earth by Elkhart Tolle. There was so much hype about this book, people claiming that it had changed their lives. Even Oprah had Ekhart on her show for several weeks examining this book. I had to read it! I opened the pages and … [Read more…]

My Diagnosis – Part Two

After my initial diagnosis at my local hospital, I was sent home and told to wait for further instructions. For those few days that I was home, I was oblivious to what was going on. Still in shock and on new medications to try to stop the seizures, a lot of these memories are a … [Read more…]

My Diagnosis – Part One

I can’t say that I have a vast knowledge of the world. I graduated from high school, got married and worked at our family business. One thing that I do know for sure is that being diagnosed with cancer is hard, really hard. Not only is it hard on the one that is diagnosed, but … [Read more…]

How do you make God laugh?

  So? How do you make God laugh? ……..You tell Him your plans. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason. People come and go into your life as needed. Some stay longer than others, some you meet just so they can introduce you to the next person you need … [Read more…]

Why am I starting a blog?

Wow! I’m actually doing it. I’m starting my own blog. You being able to read this is a victory in itself. If anyone tells you that starting a blog is easy, they are either a computer wiz or they are lying! I am not “technically advanced”, that’s what my 12 year old son is for. … [Read more…]